Meetings with town officials - ep3 : Strasbourg

Published by The Cop29 bike raid team on
Meetings with town officials, the most cycle-friendly city in France, Guillaume submits ten proposals to Sophie Dupressoir, municipal and metropolitan councilor in charge of the cycleable and walkable city.  What do the ten proposals inspire you ? I find there at least three points from our action plan adopted in 2019.  1) Safety with secure cycling infrastructure Which means : - separated from automobile traffic and pedestrians ; - legible and continuous, including at intersections where the majority of accidents occur - illuminated ; - wide (4 meters) to travel abreast in both directions. We are investing 100 million between 2020-2027.  2) Home-school travel For thirty years there has been 30% more support by car, yet children want to go to school by bike or on foot. Strasbourg has initiated two actions : - a cycling challenge to school to encourage practice ; - securing the areas around schools with the temporary closure of streets. These areas of tranquility also create conviviality between parents, a city that is easier to live in. This is in place for 40 out of 120 schools. The parents are delighted.  3) Cycling training for children and adults Many residents would benefit from using bicycles. It is a means of emancipation, including for mothers who do not necessarily have cycling in mind. We support associations to develop used bicycle offers in priority neighborhoods. This also supports a solidarity economy which benefits people in situations of integration or precariousness. But we also help the practice by organizing cycling courses. They are complete. We are thinking of developing them in all districts of the city.  Guillaume : What if you had a dream about cycling in Strasbourg ? Pacify pedestrian-cycle cohabitation. I wouldn't want to hear pedestrians say, « I'm afraid of cyclists. » »  Last question : Is there something you are particularly proud of in Strasbourg ? Sophie Dupressoir. Yes, we are in the process of converting the large station parking lot into the largest bicycle parking lot in France. It will have 3,000 places to promote train + bicycle intermodality.  Thank you very much Sophie ! Have a good trip Guillaume !
Passing through Strasbourg, the most cycle-friendly city in France,Guillaume submits ten proposals to Sophie Dupressoir, municipal andmetropolitan councilor in charge of the cycleable and walkable city. ... Read More

Meetings with bike associations : ep1 Strasbourg

Published by The Cop29 bike raid team on
Meetings with bike associations in Strasbourg
Meeting with Nicole Penot head of the CADR67 and Vincent Mathieu head of PEPS21 in Strasbourg to discuss the ten proposals: Nicole Penot - CADR67 Vincent Mathieu... Read More

Meetings with town officials - ep2 : Nancy

Published by The Cop29 bike raid team on
Cop29bikeride Nancy
In this episode we take feedbacks on the 10 proposals and how they relate to Nancy, France:Patrick Hadzigue, Conseiller municipal délégué à Nancy, Vice-President Mobilités et Transports à la métropole... Read More

Meetings with town officials - ep1 : biking and rurality

Published by The Cop29 bike raid team on
Cop29bikeride Nancy
In this episode we interview Olivier Guckert, city councellor in Commercy and board member of Vélo Active Mobilité Grand Est (French language)Dans cet épisode, nous interviewons Olivier Guckert, conseiller municipal à Commercy et membre du conseil administration... Read More